Monthly Donations
500 Sustainers Strong providing University Chaplaincy to 10 SoCal Campuses
Become a Sustainer

Donate to IOK

Help foster a finer future today.
Sponsor the next generation of guided hearts, bright minds, refined characters, and noble wills. 
Institute of Knowledge is a Non-Profit 501(c)(3) organization.
The Tax ID of the organization is 95-4796275.

Recurring Donations

"The most beloved acts to Allah are the consistent ones, even if little."
— The Messenger of Allah ﷺ
1,000 Monthly Donors

Sustainers Club

Become 1 of 1,000 individuals to who contribute $10 – $100 monthly. The guidance, education and spiritual care we are able to provide to our youth and community through our Seminary and Chaplaincy initiative is only possible with your support and prayers. Become a Sustainer today.
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$7 Every Friday

Friday Giving

Automate your Friday Sadaqah by giving $7/week to IOK. Your generous contribution helps us to foster and sustain a finer future for Muslims around California.
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General Donations

"Indeed, those men and women who give in charity and lend to Allah a good loan will have it multiplied for them, and they will have an honourable reward."
— Quran 57:18

General Sadaqah

All gifts given as ‘general sadaqa’ support the operations of our facility at 1009 Via Sorella. Serving as a full-time Musalla, and community events space, your support helps ensure our building remains open and maintained throughout the day, and your investment is preserved by our security team throughout the night.
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Seminary Scholarship Fund

All gifts made to this campaign directly support our part-time and full-time Seminary which offers courses in hadith, Islamic Studies, Arabic, Quran and Islamic Law and Tradition. Our full-time Seminary offers 1 year certificates, AA, and BA degrees. In 2019, we graduated our first MA level cohort.
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Chaplaincy Initiative Fund

All gifts made to this campaign directly support our Chaplaincy Initiative to provide Spiritual Support, council and mentorship to Muslim students at UCLA, UCI, UCR, USC, CSULB, CPP, CSUN, and CSUSB.
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Hifdhul Quran & Islamic School Scholarships

All gifts made to the school scholarship fund help provide tuition subsidies for families looking to attend our full-time school but are unable to commit to the full tuition due to financial challenges. Your support helps ensure committed, worthy and vetted families get the support they deserve.
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Capital Fund

All gifts made to this campaign are a direct investment in paying off our qard-al-hasan loan which helped acquire our property on Via Sorella.
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Zakat Scholarship Fund

Throughout the year, we offer many low-income-zakat-eligible families scholarships to attend IOK. For this we have established a Zakat-based Scholarship Fund. Tuition for their religious studies only is subsidized through this Zakat-based Scholarship Fund.
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Legacy Donations

"If the son of Adam dies, his deeds stop except from three: a continuous charity, knowledge that is benefited from, and a righteous child that prays for him."
— The Messenger of Allah ﷺ

Wills & Estates

Leave a portion of your wealth to the mission of Fostering a Finer Future through IOK. Direct funds to either of our campaigns and select from an opportunity to donate directly or invest for a number of years. This is an incredible opportunity for Sadaqah Jariyah (ongoing charity) to invest in students of knowledge and Qur’an, and in the operations of the building itself.
Stay Tuned!

Legacy Campaigns and Memorial Funds in Honor of Your Loved Ones

Create a trust to honor your loved ones, whether they are living or have passed on. Let our team design and host a fundraising page for your trust that will stay live as long as you want it to. Choose where to direct the funds, or invest them with our investment team for a number of years. This is an incredible opportunity for Sadaqah Jariyah (ongoing charity) to invest in students of knowledge and Qur’an, and in the operations of the building itself.

Donate Stocks

Donating shares of stock is an excellent means of providing a tax-deductable donation to Institute of Knowledge. Electronic delivery of stock shares is the most secure and expedient delivery process available. To help you facilitate a gift of stock to Institute of Knowledge, please click the button below to download the stock donation form.
Donation Form PDF

Other Ways to Give


Please outline which campaign you’d like to donate to in your notes section.

Please outline which campaign you’d like to donate to in your notes section.

Amazon Smile
Search for Daar-Ul-Ilm for the Muslim Youth – Institute of Knowledge. You shop. Amazon Gives.

PayPal Giving Fund


Feeling Blessed App

Download on IOS and Android


Text to Give: 909-280-7686
Text to Pledge: 909-569-7628
Please outline which campaign you’d like to donate to in your notes section.
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1009 Vía Sorella, Diamond Bar, CA 91789 | +1(909)5952401 | +1(909)5941472 |
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